More Design in the Solar System
TNRT Archive – Retained for reference information
Planetary scientists’ increasingly tumultuous picture of the early solar system argues for greater fine-tuning to produce a life-supporting planet such as Earth. Comets reside largely in the cold outer reaches of the solar system. However, recent samples returned from a cometary mission contain bits of rock forged in white-hot heat. Either violent activity from the early sun melted inner solar system material and flung it to the far reaches of the solar system, or material from similar activity around other stars mixed with the early solar nebula when the comets formed. In either case, as the image of the early solar system becomes more turbulent, the likelihood of a stable, life-supporting planet forming amidst the tumult diminishes. RTB’s cosmic creation model posits a supernatural Creator who works within these hostile conditions to ensure a suitable habitat for man.
- Richard A. Kerr, “Minerals Point to a Hot Origin for Icy Comets,” Science 311 (2006): 1536.
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