Few Major Galaxy Collisions in the Local Group
TNRTB Archive – Retained for reference information
Measurements of the motions of galaxies near the Milky Way Galaxy (MWG) give additional support for a superintelligent Designer creating and maintaining a place like Earth where life can thrive. Collisions of galaxies are generally catastrophic for any location (like Earth) capable of supporting life. The gravitational disruptions would almost certainly destroy the planetary system where the life support planet is located. Recent measurements of the galaxies near the MWG show that there have been no recent large-galaxy collisions with our galaxy and that none will occur for the next few billion years. The evidence supporting a supernatural Creator increases with scientists’ understanding of the cosmos.
- Abraham Loeb et al., “Constraints on the Proper Motion of the Andromeda Galaxy Based on the Survival of Its Satellite M33,” Astrophysical Journal 633 (2005): 894-98.
- https://iopscience.iop.org/0004-637X/633/2/894/pdf/0004-637X_633_2_894.pdf
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