Design in Early Solar System Mixing
TNRTB Archive – Retained for reference information
Observations of a man-made impact with a solar-system comet reveal fine-tuning in the early formation of the solar system. The material ejected from the impact (of a NASA space probe with the comet) revealed the presence of highly volatile ices, solids formed in aqueous environments, and crystalline silicates requiring high temperatures to form. These materials could not have been formed at a common location and, therefore, require different regions of the solar system to mix together. The mixing must have occurred early and efficiently—before the formation of gas giants that prevent mixing of the inner and outer solar system. Too-efficient mixing would have affected the development of small bodies in the solar system (and likely the final heavy-element composition of Earth). What astronomers observe is a “just-right” level of mixing consistent with the work of supernatural Designer preparing a long-standing, life-supporting planet like Earth.
- C.M. Lisse et al., “Spitzer Spectral Observations of the Deep Impact Ejecta,” Science 313 (2006): 635-40.
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