Big Bang Test Strengthened
TNRTB Archive – Retained for reference information
Observations of a distant quasar strengthen an important test of RTB’s cosmic creation model. Big bang cosmology makes precise predictions regarding how much deuterium was produced in the early moments of the universe’s existence. Despite the difficulty, astronomers used observations of a distant quasar to measure the abundance ratio of deuterium to hydrogen and subsequently calculated the baryon density (a measure of how much ordinary matter exists) of the universe. The calculated baryon density matched the value as determined from other methods, such as the WMAP observations of the radiation left over from the creation event. This concordance of values obtained from independent techniques is a hallmark of a good model, and it strengthens confidence in RTB’s cosmic creation model (which incorporates big bang cosmology).
- John M. O’Meara et al., “The Deuterium-to-Hydrogen Abundance Ratio Toward the QSO SDSS J155810.16-003120.0,” Astrophysical Journal Letters 649 (2006): L61-L65.
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