For Your Consideration
Cinephiles everywhere will salivate this Sunday as they tune in to watch the 85th Academy Awards. Part of the fun for viewers is picking a winner worthy of a tiny golden man.
While we here at RTB might never win an Oscar for feature-film endeavors, we do have a few new podcast features to offer for your consideration. Listeners of the I Didn’t Know That! podcast might be familiar with our longstanding segment, Stump the Scholar. But if you missed the last couple of episodes, we unveiled several new segments for your listening pleasure.
Here’s a quick rundown for those who didn’t know about these new (and classic) segments.
Behind the Scenes
If any segment could fall under the category of comedy, it would be this one. Producer Andrew pulls snippets of our off-air banter, offering listeners a candid look (or listen) at what happens when we’re off the air. The segment from this week’s podcast includes, among other things, deep thoughts and hearty giggles from Fuz Rana. You’ll find it at around 31 minutes into the episode.
Bizarre Science
It’s wonderful when scientific discoveries offer apologetic value, but even without the connection to faith, science is just plain cool—and sometimes bizarre, as the scholars explain. In the first two installments, Jeff sheds some light on ever-mysterious black holes and ponders the question, “How fast do we move in time?” You’ll find them at approximately 45 minutes and 10 minutes, respectively.
Elevator Apologetics
Quick—You’ve got 10 floors and 60 seconds in an elevator to answer an apologetic question. How do you respond? Thinking quickly on their feet, the scholars offer brief replies to common science-faith questions. See how Hugh fares when faced with the question “Isn’t it arrogant to assume Christianity is true and all other religions are false?” You’ll find it at 21 minutes.
Stump the Scholar
This portion of the podcast (initially hosted by Beth, now hosted by yours truly) evokes fear and trembling from the scholars (not really) as I attempt to stump Hugh, Fuz, Ken, Jeff, and Dave with various trivia. Find out if they were successfully stumped in the latest episode at 56 minutes. (Rumor has it Fuz accuses the host of a breach in etiquette.)
Take a listen to the new segments and let us know what you think. Which would you nominate for Best Segment? No statuettes will be handed out, but it’s always good to know what listeners think of our latest work. We hope there are a few “winners” in the bunch (and no tear-jerkers).
Speaking of winners, “Average” Joe Aguirre and the scholars close the Q&A portion of every episode by awarding a resource winner from among the questions selected for the podcast. If you’d like a chance to have your science-faith question answered live on the podcast (and to be in the running to win a resource), email [email protected]—and be sure to keep it succinct.
As for the Academy Awards, I’ll be watching with friends and family, complete with movie-themed costumes and cuisine. (Life of “Pie” cupcakes? Yes!) What about you? Who are you rooting for?
Here are some fun (and informative) movie-themed resources from RTB:
“How to Watch a Movie Part 1” and “Part 2” with Kenneth Samples, Dave Rogstad, and Krista Bontrager
“Top Five Abraham Lincoln Movies” by Kenneth Samples
“Pi’s Path to God” by Maureen Moser