Answering FAQs: Awesome RTB Resources
Whether it’s through email, snail mail, or Facebook comments, we receive all manner of science-faith questions (and challenges). Yet some topics—such as dinosaurs, hominids, the multiverse, and much more—remain timeless. These same issues often pop up during Q&A sessions at RTB events.
In response to these FAQs, we’ve launched RTB 101: a collection of web pages that provides easy access to resources on popular topics. Each page addresses a single issue (e.g., global warming) by outlining RTB’s position in a succinct summary and then pointing people to relevant articles, podcasts, videos, and products. (I can tell you, Sandra and I are excited about RTB 101—it’s going to make researching for our blog posts a lot easier!)
Currently, the RTB 101 lineup includes:
- Global Warming
- Multiverse
- Hominids
- Exoplanets
- Dinosaurs (my favorite so far—it includes a couple of cool new video clips)
This web resource is just getting started; so be sure to keep checking in for new pages and updates. RTB 101 is also available as an RSS feed for the new RTB mobile app.
But if after exploring RTB 101, you still have science-faith questions, you can email [email protected] for a chance to have your question answered live and unscripted on the I Didn’t Know That! podcast. A lot of factors go into deciding what emails will be answered on IDKT. Since I filter questions from this email address, I can give you insider tips for increasing the chances of your question being chosen for the podcast. We’ll call this I Didn’t Know That! 101.
Here’s what we like:
- Questions that are brief and to-the-point.
- Infrequently asked questions—so check out RTB 101 and the IDKT archives and see if you can challenge the scholars with an unusual science-faith issue.
- Questions from kids!
- New listeners—if you’re a frequent emailer to [email protected], please understand that we have to give someone else a chance.
Here are some things to keep in mind:
- We don’t respond to requests to look at/give opinions on websites, articles, videos, or books.
- The purpose of [email protected] is to collect questions for IDKT. If you don’t want your question featured on the podcast, please contact the RTB Apologetics Hotline at (626) 335-5282. For queries regarding RTB resources, email [email protected].
- I might accept bribes—preferably in the form of high-quality dark chocolate. (Just kidding.)
We get a lot of emails—so be patient if we don’t respond right away. Your question may already be in the queue for IDKT or it may be on its way to a trained RTB apologist. As much as we want to answer every person who contacts us, time and limited manpower makes that goal unrealistic. But feel free to send a follow-up email.
And continue exploring RTB 101 and the rest of our website. You may be surprised to find that your question has already been addressed!
— Maureen