How the Trinity Makes Sense of Science July 3, 2023 In multiple books and articles, I’ve endeavored to demonstrate that science is possible and comprehensible only in light of God’s existence.1 However, I hope my writings have... Theology by Hugh Ross Read
Revelation Versus Religion: Can Religious Pluralism Be True? May 31, 2022 Why can't all the world's religions be true? The challenge of accepting the idea that all religions are true (religious pluralism) stems from the... Worldviews by Kenneth Samples Read
How Close Are the Middle Eastern Monotheistic Religions’ Views of God? March 8, 2022 Among the world's major religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are known as the great monotheistic traditions. But exactly how close are these religions in... Theology by Kenneth Samples Read
Responding to Islam’s Objection to the Trinity February 22, 2022 The doctrine of the Trinity (one God in three persons) is one of historic Christianity's most distinctive teachings. This view of God's nature separates... Theology by Kenneth Samples Read
Is Allah a Loving God? June 15, 2021 Does God need to be triune in order to be loving? If God possesses a diversity of personhood within the one divine essence (Trinity, from... Theology by Kenneth Samples Read