It Pays for a Galaxy to Slowly Sip, Not Gulp May 18, 2020 Two years ago at a major conference, a medical doctor/researcher who specializes in nutrition approached me. He took one look and said, “I know... Design by Hugh Ross Read
Pursuing the Firstborn Stars and a Better Cosmic Creation Model July 15, 2019 Elusive detection of the universe’s firstborn stars has been a long-standing challenge toward developing a more detailed and better affirmed biblically predicted big bang... Creation Views by Hugh Ross Read
Signature of the Universe’s First Stars and Dark Matter March 19, 2018 If you are familiar with the legends of King Arthur or the famous Monty Python movie that spoofed those legends, the holy grail is... Physics & Mathematics by Hugh Ross Read
Is Lithium a Problem for the Big Bang Creation Model? February 20, 2017 ... the remaining doubters of the big bang creation model are atheists and young-earth creationists. Atheists reject the big bang creation model because of... Worldviews by Hugh Ross Read