Big Bang Implications of Detecting the Universe’s First Stars November 14, 2022 Many astronomers have co-opted the term "holy grail" to refer to difficult-to-achieve potential discoveries that would catapult our understanding of the universe. The biggest... Astronomy by Hugh Ross Read
Record-Breaking Star Gives More Evidence for Big Bang Creation Model November 11, 2019 What counts as evidence that a scientific model is consistent with reality and therefore true? According to scientists, there is strong evidence for a... Astronomy by Hugh Ross Read
Pursuing the Firstborn Stars and a Better Cosmic Creation Model July 15, 2019 Elusive detection of the universe’s firstborn stars has been a long-standing challenge toward developing a more detailed and better affirmed biblically predicted big bang... Creation Views by Hugh Ross Read
J0023+0307, a Pristine Firstborn Star? April 9, 2018 A new discovery of a low-mass star stands to put big bang creation on even more solid footing. In the biblically predicted big bang... Astronomy by Hugh Ross Read
Signature of the Universe’s First Stars and Dark Matter March 19, 2018 If you are familiar with the legends of King Arthur or the famous Monty Python movie that spoofed those legends, the holy grail is... Physics & Mathematics by Hugh Ross Read