How Our Solar System’s Birth Was Optimally Orchestrated September 25, 2023 Based on Job 14:5 and Psalm 139:16, I believe God determines the time and location of every human’s birth to ensure that we are... Astronomy by Hugh Ross Read
My Debate with Atheist Peter Atkins September 5, 2022 Of all the video-recorded debates I've done with atheist scientists, the one that's been viewed the most is the one I did with former... Worldviews by Hugh Ross Read
Exploring Fine-Tuning at Every Cosmic Level July 11, 2022 Designed to the Core is the sixth book I’ve written on cosmic fine-tuning. It’s the only one of the six, however, where I describe and... Design by Hugh Ross Read
What Is the Full Scientific Evidence for God? June 10, 2022 Question of the week: Can you please give me the full scientific evidence for the existence of God? My answer: New discoveries and understandings in... Creation Model by Hugh Ross Read
Is There Any Validity to Pancomputationalism? April 29, 2022 Question of the week: What are your thoughts on pancomputationalism? How does it impact the fine-tuning argument for a personal God? My answer: Pancomputationalism... Artificial Intelligence by Hugh Ross Read
Does the Bible Say Pillars Hold Up the Earth? March 11, 2022 Question of the week: Does the Bible teach that pillars hold up the Earth (Psalm 75:3)? My answer: The Hebrew word for “pillar,” ammud, has a... Bible by Hugh Ross Read
Was Earth Designed for Us or Did We Evolve to Adapt? December 10, 2021 Question of the week: How can we show an evolutionist that Earth suits us best because Earth was designed to be compatible with us... Design by Hugh Ross Read
Does the Puddle Analogy Explain Cosmic Fine-Tuning? June 7, 2021 Is the universe fine-tuned for human existence? If so, how do we know it and is such design intentional? One definition of the anthropic principle... Design by Hugh Ross Read
Scientifically, How Do We Know God Is a Personal Being? January 29, 2021 Question of the week: I understand that the fine-tuning evidence for God’s existence is overwhelming. But, how do we know that this God is... Astronomy by Hugh Ross Read
RTB Design Compendium (2009) November 16, 2010 "Why the Universe Is the Way It Is" and "More Than A Theory" As a supplement to material presented in Why the Universe Is the... Design by Hugh Ross Read