Seafood Consumption, Climate Stability, and Human Health November 28, 2022 Is it time to eat fewer burgers and more salmon? Scientists have learned that replacing land-based animal protein with seafood holds promise for improving... Philosophy & Ethics by Hugh Ross Read
How Do You Reconcile Scripture’s Recency With Earth’s Age? February 12, 2021 Question of the week: If the universe and Earth are billions of years old, why do you think God waited so long to give... Creation Views by Hugh Ross Read
Is Climate Change Real? Are Economic Sacrifices Needed to Stop It? June 15, 2020 One of my motivations for writing my latest book, Weathering Climate Change, came from the repeated questions I heard at my outreach events and... by Hugh Ross Read
We Are Living at the Optimal Terrestrial Mammal Moment February 4, 2019 Large terrestrial mammals bring delight to everyone. Such pleasure explains why zoos, wild animal parks, and safaris are so popular. It also explains why... Design by Hugh Ross Read
Did a Giant Collider Help Give Us Extreme Climate Stability? December 17, 2018 Floods and fires raged and boulders rained from the sky. Such a sci-fi-like scenario in Earth’s relatively recent past gave us, in part, the... Design by Hugh Ross Read
How Did Earth Get Its Long-Standing Stable Climate? December 10, 2018 In last week’s blog1 I described how a careful reconstruction of temperature proxies at sites all over the world revealed that the climate stability... Design by Hugh Ross Read
Present Climate Epoch Has Been Extremely Stable December 3, 2018 One of the most outstanding and blessed features of Earth is that it has an ice age cycle where, for the past 9,000 years... Design by Hugh Ross Read
The End of Civilization As We Know It? Part 1 July 9, 2018 Not a week goes by that I don’t get at least three questions about global warming. Frequently, what underlies these questions is a concern,... Biology by Hugh Ross Read
The Best of All Interglacials January 23, 2017 In case you haven’t noticed, we are living in an interglacial period. For the last 2.59 million years of Earth’s history and only for... Geology & Earth by Hugh Ross Read
Farming Revolution Simultaneously Launches in Multiple Locations July 25, 2016 The earliest humans were engaged in agricultural industry, but humans were not able to launch and sustain a large-scale, specialized agricultural industry until Earth... Human Origins & Anthropology by Hugh Ross Read