Does Science Cause Christians to Deconvert? January 22, 2024 Just a few weeks before the COVID-19 lockdowns, the comedic duo of Rhett and Link (Rhett McLaughlin and Charles Lincoln Neal III)—YouTube sensations—became the... Creation Views by Fazale “Fuz” Rana Read
How the Trinity Makes Sense of Science July 3, 2023 In multiple books and articles, I’ve endeavored to demonstrate that science is possible and comprehensible only in light of God’s existence.1 However, I hope my writings have... Theology by Hugh Ross Read
Learning about Christian Creeds, Part 3 August 28, 2018 If you come from a non-creedal Christian church tradition—and there are a good number of them within Evangelicalism—you might wonder what a creed is... Theology by Kenneth Samples Read
Learning about Christian Creeds, Part 2 August 21, 2018 Ever hear the expression “No book but the Bible, no creed but Christ”? Ironically, it sounds a lot like a creed. Some Christians who... by Kenneth Samples Read
Learning about Christian Creeds, Part 1 August 14, 2018 Have you ever recited the Apostles’ Creed? It is widely used in Western Christendom, both in the Roman Catholic Church and in various Protestant... Theology by Kenneth Samples Read
Do Both Science and Christianity Require Faith? May 4, 2018 Davies basically argues that scientists must largely accept that the laws of physics work without having an adequate understanding of why they work. Nothing... Creation Model by Jeff Zweerink Read
A Dozen Evidences for the Resurrection of Jesus March 27, 2018 Jesus’s resurrection is at the very heart of historic Christianity. In fact, the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ is both a central doctrinal belief... Logic & Reason by Kenneth Samples Read
Disappointment with Other Christians October 10, 2017 Jesus’s resurrection is at the very heart of historic Christianity. In fact, the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ is both a central doctrinal belief... Theology by Kenneth Samples Read
The Great 2017 Eclipse August 17, 2017 In case you haven’t heard, there is a total solar eclipse coming this Monday. Here are some things you might want to know about... Theology by Jeff Zweerink Read
Pursuing the Truth August 10, 2017 I received an inquiry recently from someone wanting to know what it meant to follow the truth scientifically and theologically. In other words, when... Bible by Jeff Zweerink Read
Never Fear an Honest Question December 16, 2016 “How does this work?” “Why did that happen?” “Is this really true?” I love questions. I enjoy learning from insightful responses (either spoken or read)... Logic & Reason by Jeff Zweerink Read
The Appeal of Common Christianity November 21, 2016 Within church history, it seems some Christian traditions or denominations like to emphasize those beliefs that make their particular group distinctive. Theology by Kenneth Samples Read