How Apologetics Impacts Conversion: A Historical Case Study Part 1 October 15, 2019 In historic Christianity the field of apologetics (a reasoned defense of the faith) is considered a branch of theology. Apologetics often has a close... History by Kenneth Samples Read
Three Historic Christian Classics December 5, 2017 There are classic Christian scholars and authors that everyone should know about. Unfortunately, many of today’s believers are unfamiliar with some of Christianity’s greatest... by Kenneth Samples Read
Christian Thinkers 101: A Crash Course on Ronald Nash December 5, 2016 Ronald Nash was one of the most influential evangelical Christian thinkers of the last half-century, but what exactly did he believe and what did... Theology by Kenneth Samples Read
Christian Thinkers 101: A Crash Course on Walter Martin November 28, 2016 Walter Martin was one of the most distinctive Christian apologists of the twentieth century, but what exactly did he believe and what did he... Education by Kenneth Samples Read
Christian Thinkers 101: A Crash Course on Justin Martyr November 14, 2016 Saint Justin, also known as Justin Martyr, was one of the first Christians to meet Greco-Roman thinkers on their own ground by using philosophy... People by Kenneth Samples Read
Christian Thinkers 101: A Crash Course on St. Jerome November 1, 2016 Tradition reveals that St. Jerome preferred studying the biblical languages because it helped him fend off impure thoughts. But who was this ancient Christian... People by Kenneth Samples Read
Christian Thinkers 101: A Crash Course on St. Basil October 18, 2016 Not many people are known as so-and-so “the Great.” But St. Basil the Great was one of the finest thinkers, writers, and preachers in... People by Kenneth Samples Read
Christian Thinkers 101: A Crash Course on Tertullian October 4, 2016 Though he died almost 18 centuries ago, Tertullian is often quoted today in theological and apologetics circles. But what did this man believe and... People by Kenneth Samples Read
Christian Thinkers 101: A Crash Course on St. Bonaventure July 19, 2016 St. Bonaventure was one of the great thinkers of the Middle Ages, but what exactly did he believe, and what else did he contribute... Logic & Reason by Kenneth Samples Read