Journey from the Center of a Young Earth, Part 2: Faith and Reason May 24, 2019 In my previous article, I argued that God as the Creator of reality is responsible for the basic components of our common existence. Our... Creation Views by Read
Journey from the Center of a Young Earth, Part 1: Epistemology April 26, 2019 We’ve all had journeys of various kinds. Sometimes the conceptual ones are the toughest. They’re fraught with uncertainty, fear, even peril—but the rewards of... by Read
Four Views of the Biblical Creation Account August 8, 2000 Tsunamis are a recurring theme in disaster movies. The Impossible depicts a family’s struggle to survive in the aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean... by Hugh Ross Read
Four Views of the Biblical Creation Account August 8, 2000 Compiled by Reasons To Believe The following information comes from the "Report of the Creation Study Committee" posted on PCANEWS.COM, the Web Magazine of... Bible by Hugh Ross Read