3 Things I’ve Learned from Blaise Pascal August 8, 2023 I’ve been reading and reflecting on philosopher Blaise Pascal’s extraordinary book Pensées (pronounced in French “Pon-SAYZ” and roughly translated as “Thoughts”) for a long time. Yet Pensées is really... People by Kenneth Samples Read
How to Become a Christian Apologist August 16, 2018 Do you enjoy apologetics? Have you ever wondered how you can become a professional Christian apologist? Here are four practical recommendations to help guide... Theology by Krista Bontrager Read
Women in Apologetics on the Rise June 18, 2018 Last November, while working for Reasons to Believe (RTB) at the annual meetings for the Evangelical Theological Society, I met Rachel Shockey from Women... Theology by Krista Bontrager Read
How Do I Respond When Others Are Curious about My Faith as a Scientist? January 18, 2018 A few weeks ago I had the privilege of interacting with apologists from the RZIM (Ravi Zacharias International Ministries) Connect online community in a... Logic & Reason by Anjeanette Roberts Read
Too Little Knowledge or Infinite Potential for Discovery? August 30, 2017 Even the brightest, like a Hawking, an Einstein, or a Ross only knows a fraction of what can be known. Do we corporately even... Theology by Anjeanette Roberts Read
Q&A March 1, 2017 How can we know the Bible is a revelation from God and that other holy books are not from him? Theology by Reasons To Believe Read
Running the Race with Endurance January 1, 2014 In keeping with the tradition of providing new reasons to believe in the God of the Bible, Dr. Ross suggests that emerging human gut... Theology by Krista Bontrager Read