June Podcast Roundup
I strive to encourage Christians to think carefully and critically about their faith not only through Reflections but also through two RTB podcasts: Straight Thinking (I lead my colleagues in discussions of important issues in light of the Christian worldview) and I Didn’t Know That! (RTB scholars offer unscripted answers to listener questions). In case you missed them, check out these recent episodes where we tackle the end times, evidence for the Trinity, the tension between flesh and spirit, and much more.
Straight Thinking
“Is the Bible a Science Book?” (Episode #224) – Science changes, but the Bible does not; therefore, the Bible is not a science book—so argues a Vatican astronomer. Physicist Dave Rogstad and astronomer Hugh Ross join me in discussing how to help believers interpret Scripture’s statements about the natural world.
“Eschatology’s Ten Commandments” (Episode #226) – People can’t seem to get enough end times speculation. But irresponsible predictions and excessive conjecture about the world’s future serve to remind all believers to exercise caution when reflecting on eschatology (study of future things). Here I offer 10 guidelines for a careful approach to Christian eschatology.
I Didn’t Know That!
Episode #265 – I answer a question regarding Old Testament evidence for the Trinity (starting at 10:48).
Episode #266 – The apostle Paul aptly describes a believer’s battle against sin in Romans 7: “For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing.” A listener question sparks a lively discussion among Dave, Hugh, and I about this war between the flesh and the spirit (starting at 16:08).
Update on I Didn’t Know That!
New segments on I Didn’t Know That! now offer listeners apologetics equipping in bite-sized pieces. Each podcast episode includes at least two of the following features (in addition to our popular Stump the Scholar bit):
- A Better Question: We consider common theological/apologetics questions and offer improved alternatives to get conversations moving in a spiritually productive direction.
- Elevator Apologetics: Get ready to answer an apologetics question in 60 seconds or less!
- Junk yard Apologetics: Many bad arguments are put forth in science-faith debates. We take a moment to debunk some of them.
- Much Ado about Nothing: Listen in to bloopers and behind-the-scenes banter among the scholars and podcast host, Joe Aguirre.