Old-Earth Friendly Curriculum Options
Think of this page as being a bit like a homeschool convention, where we bring the vendors to you. Parents can look through the list below and see which curriculum works best for your situation.
RTB staff members have prescreened these resources (though without extensive review) as being old-earth creation compatible. This means they are generally free from both young-earth and evolutionary content (unless noted below). The “secular” offerings generally contain very light evolutionary content or none at all and are written from a religiously neutral perspective. The “Christian” selections generally have very light young-earth content or none at all.
Start here by watching this short introductory video offering some tips for choosing a science curriculum.
Curriculum – Christian:
- Psalm 104 Unit Study (from Reasons to Believe)
- Christian Kids Explore Chemistry (2nd edition)
- Christian Schools International (revised and updated in 2011; review)
- Exploring Creation with Botany
- Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics
- Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology
Curriculum – Secular:
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Science Homeschool (Grades 1-6; Common Core aligned)
- Home School Astronomy
- Starry Night: K-4
- Noeo Science Curriculum
- Real Science for Kids (review)
- R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey – Life, Level 1
- R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey – Chemistry, Level 1
- R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey – Earth and Space Level 1
- Ring of Fire Science, Level 1
Supplemental Resources – Christian:
- Dinosaurs! (used copies available)
- God’s Creation series: Fish, Bugs & Birds, Rocks & Plants, Sky & Sea, Space & Time
- My Big Book of 5-Minute Devotions Celebrating God’s World (for younger children)
- Home Science Tools (lab supplies)
Supplemental Resources – Secular
The science scholars at Reasons to Believe recommend that students should transition to mainstream secular textbooks as their primary resource by middle school. Supplements promoting Christian integration can also be used. For more information about why we are recommending secular texts, read the article: “Five Reasons Why Christian Educators Should Address Evolution.”
Curriculum – Christian:
- Jay Wile’s Science in the Ancient World and Science in the Scientific Revolution (review)
- Christian Kids Explore Physics (2nd edition)
- Christian Kids Explore Chemistry (2nd edition)
- Christian Schools International (revised and updated in 2011; review)
- Novare: Physical Science (grades 6–8)
Curriculum – Secular
- Real Science for Kids: Geology (review)
- Real Science for Kids: Astronomy (review)
- Brigham Young University Independent Study: Middle School Courses (no LDS doctrine)
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Science Homeschool (Grades 5-6; Common Core aligned)
- Holt Science and Technology Homeschool (Grades 6–8; Common Core aligned)
- Starry Night: Grades 5-8 (Sample lessons and screenshots available)
- Noeo Science Curriculum
- Ring of Fire Science, Level 2
- Science Explorer
Supplemental Resources – Christian:
- Dual Revelation (RTB DVD)
- Impact Events (RTB science-faith devotional)
- Through the Lens (RTB online video library)
- Holman Quick Source Guide to Understanding Creation
- Sword & Spirit (apologetics web site for teens)
- What Darwin Didn’t Know (RTB booklet)
- Icons of Evolution (DVD)
- Unlocking the Mystery of Life (DVD)
Supplemental Resources – Secular:
- ScienceWorks for Kids, Grades 4-6+ (Topics: Energy, Living Things, Planet Earth, Simple Chemistry, The Human Body, Weather)
- Just the Facts: Earth and Space Science (Also available: Life Science and Physical Science)
- Lyrical Learning (science literacy through song)
- Home Science Tools (supplies)
- Something a little on the kooky side – High school chemistry teacher and RTB apologist, Dr. Matt Carlson, discusses a variety of topics in his “Science Theater.”
In most cases, the science scholars at Reasons to Believe recommend that students should be using mainstream secular textbooks as their primary resource in high school. Educators can supplement with Christian resources to help provide information from a Christian worldview perspective. For more information about why we are recommending secular texts, read the article: “Five Reasons Why Christian Educators Should Address Evolution.”
- The Teaching Company (Great Courses): High School Level—Chemistry, 2nd Edition
- CK-12 Chemistry
- Chemistry Concepts Problems: A Self-Teaching Guide
- Brigham Young University Independent Study: High School Courses – Chemistry (no LDS doctrine)
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln: High School Courses
Chemistry Supplement: Use these materials in conjunction with whatever chemistry textbook/curriculum you choose.
- Khan Academy – Chemistry (free online videos; secular)
- Basic Physics: A Self-Teaching Guide
- Brigham Young University Independent Study: High School Courses – Physics (no LDS doctrine)
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln: High School Courses
Physics Supplement:Use these materials in conjunction with whatever physics textbook/curriculum you choose.
- Khan Academy – Physics (free online videos; secular)
- Astronomy: A Self-Teaching Guide
- Starry Night: High School (sample lessons and screen shots available)
- Brigham Young University Independent Study: High School Courses – General Astronomy (no LDS doctrine)
- The Teaching Company (Great Courses): Understanding the Universe: An Introduction to Astronomy, 2nd Edition
Astronomy Supplements: Use these videos in conjunction with whatever astronomy textbook/curriculum you choose.
- Through the Lens (free online videos produced by Reasons To Believe)
- Khan Academy – Astronomy and Cosmology (free online videos; secular)
- Journey Toward Creation (DVD; produced by RTB)
- If We Had No Moon (DVD; secular)
- CK-12 Earth Science
- McDougall/Littel: Earth Science
- Brigham Young University Independent Study: High School Courses – Earth Science (no LDS doctrine)
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln: High School Courses
- Biology, 9th edition, by Campbell and Reece
- CK-12 Life Science
- Holt: Biology (Common Core aligned)
- Biology: The Science of Life
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln: High School Courses
Biology Supplements: Use these resources in conjunction with whatever biology textbook/curriculum you choose. These will address the topic of biological evolution.
- Through the Lens (RTB’s online video library)
- Explore Evolution (highly recommended; religiously neutral)
- Icons of Evolution (book)
- What Darwin Didn’t Know (booklet from RTB)
- Icons of Evolution (DVD)
- Darwin’s Dilemma (DVD)
- Unlocking the Mystery of Life (DVD)
- Khan Academy – Biology (free online videos; secular)
CHRISTIAN INTEGRATION: These courses are intended to be taken alongside a regular science course.
- Through the Lens (RTB’s online video library)
- Good Science, Good Faith (RTB’s year-long science apologetics curriculum)
- The Bigger Picture on Creation (RTB’s unit study on Genesis 1)
- Dual Revelation (DVD)
- Holman Quick Source Guide to Understanding Creation
Links updated 3/08/2017.
Email your education-related questions to [email protected].