New Test for General Relativity

New Test for General Relativity

TNRTB Archive – Retained for reference information

An international team of astronomers has found another astronomical tool for testing the biblical doctrine of cosmic creation. They discovered another relativistic double neutron star system (a system of two neutron stars orbiting one another so closely that relativistic effects are dramatic), the third such system astronomers have found. This system, similar to what observations on the other two systems already have delivered, soon will provide the most definitive test of Einstein’s theory of general relativity (GR)—potentially confirming the reliability of GR to better than one part in a hundred trillion. Such a confirmation would strengthen the already very high confidence in the spacetime theorems of GR, which conclude, based on the reliability of GR, that a causal Agent created the universe and all the spacetime dimensions associated with the universe. Such a conclusion establishes the existence and the creative work of the God of the Bible.