More Design in Milky Way Galaxy Location

More Design in Milky Way Galaxy Location

TNRTB Archive – Retained for reference information

Scientists have learned more about the nature of galaxies in large clusters, and their work reveals more fine-tuning in the location of the Milky Way Galaxy (MWG). Most large galaxies contain a very massive black hole (more than a hundred million times the mass of the sun) at their centers. Depending on the environment around the black hole, these galaxy centers can be very active in the sense that the massive black holes accrete large amounts of matter. This accumulation leads to large jets emanating from the galaxy centers and even larger amounts of high-energy radiation—x-rays and gamma rays. This radiation adversely affects the possibility that a galaxy can host a life-supporting planet. Recent observations revealed that galaxies located in large clusters more frequently contain active massive black holes. The MWG, by contrast, resides on the outskirts of a sparsely populated cluster and does not have an active black hole. These results comport well with the work of a super-intelligent Creator fashioning a galaxy capable of sustaining a life-supporting planet.