Fine-tuning in Early Solar System

Fine-tuning in Early Solar System

TNRTB Archive – Retained for reference information

Chemical-abundance studies of meteorites provide new evidence of the fine-tuning required to ensure Earth’s habitability. Until recently, scientists thought the solar nebula (cloud of gas) from which the solar system formed had been uniformly mixed. Such homogeneity meant that all the planets formed from material with essentially the same chemical composition. But two recent studies clearly demonstrate the heterogeneity of the early solar nebula. Consequently, the composition of the planets varied depending on the locations where they formed. As it happens, Earth formed at just the right location; it formed with enough radioactive elements to sustain life-supporting functions and remained within the habitable zone. RTB’s cosmic creation model predicts such fine-tuning as the result of a supernatural Creator working to prepare a planet capable of sustaining long-standing life.